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placeholder jade while i make a new pagedoll of my sona

hi welcome to my website X) this thing is still a huge work in progress (and probably will be until the heat death of the universe) but ill still put it out there for the world to see lmao. some stuff might be broken but i will try my best to fix it orz

by the way my site is best viewed on a screen at least 1024px wide on firefox or chrome. theres some javascript in here too. best viewed on a computer too obviously

also please make sure to read the content warnings Over They're --->

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or if u wanna see something simpler or just want a quick introduction of myself u can check out my strawpage :]

put simply my site is not at all intended for children or people younger than 14. this thing has some sensitive content, including:

- bright and/or flashing colors
- profanity/swearing
- dark topics (e.g. drug usage, trauma & mental illness, etc.)
- discomforting imagery (bugs, artistic blood & gore)

most of these aren't very prominent but im still putting a warning here just in case lol

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