last updated: 02/24/24

ill add a music player up here later im lazy

HEY welcome to (the mobile version of) my website!!!
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call me basil, he/him ☆ 5teen (04/20/09) ☆ infp 4w5

im a queer & neurodivergent artist from the united states. really into valve games, especially half life (as if that wasnt obvious enough LOL.) i mainly do fanart but i like to dabble in oc stuff sometimes :3 ummm i dunno ill write more here later

OH BTW please ask before using or reposting my art. feel free to use it for pfps and banners n whatever tho u dont gotta ask for those but just credit me thanks


general stuff - art, music, video games, bugs, space, coding, old web/tech/media
gamez - half-life + some mods, portal, left 4 dead, team fortress, ultrakill, minecraft, cry of fear*, the stanley parable, deltarune, does gmod count
music - stomach book, glass beach, casio dad, car seat headrest, machine girl, gezebelle gaburgably, asian glow, weatherday, femtanyl, nouns, lemon demon, valve osts :3
other stuff - half-life vr: ai, steven universe, homestuck☹️*
* casual fan, i dont rlly associate myself w/ the fandom. those people suck


disc # insta # twt
steam # tumblr
λgen # th # lastfm
—————————— @basilries everywhere. inactive anywhere not listed



i draw stuff that includes gore, dark themes, & artistic nudity sometimes Ermmm if u dont like that sorry # i reclaim slurs (f and t slur only) and make kys/kms jokes sometimes # my autism affects me greatly, im selectively mute and have memory issues PLEASE be patient with me thanks # i NEVER shut up about my interests soz

GO AWAY!!!!!!

basic dni criteria & any bigots and assholes in general # under 12 (thin ice if ur under 14) # nsfw accounts # shtwt/edtwt # proshippers/pedos, zoos, WHATEVER ur all freaks #